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The Family of Mr. Nuts
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Dan545's Palace of FUN !!

Welcome to my world.

Im a very busy person . I enjoy romping around in a white cape and on special occasions , I sleep in my underwear.

Some people wonder why I wear a white cape.
All I do is laugh at them and then I hop on my camel and ride away.


Remember to sign the guest book !!!!

Remember Kids , dont run while carrying scissors

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After being threatened with deletion, I decided to add this block of text to end my period of inactivity.

for the love of my sweet pilgrim children, i have been threatened once again with account deletion.

this marvel of internet history must live on in our juicy hearts and mammary glands.

the shift key on my typing instrument seems unable to cooperate with my fingers, making capitalization an impossibility.

i apologize, but you must be strong,my valiant horse seedlings.